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Maria Kulikovska is a multimedia/hybrid artist, architect, actionist-performer, researcher, and lecturer. She was born in 1988 in Kerch, Crimea Peninsula, Ukraine. After the annexation of Crimea by russia federation, she lived and worked in Kyiv and around EU as nomad and forced displaced. After the occupation of the Crimea Peninsula in the spring of 2014 the artist never went back to her hometown. From 2018 to 2022 Maria together with her partner and co-author Oleh Vinnichenko based in Kyiv permanently, but nearly one month after 24 February 2022 Maria together with their newborn baby was forced to flee from Kyiv to Linz, Austria. From the 16th of March 2022 Maria with her baby has been an artist-in-residence at the OÖ Landes-Kultur GmbH in Linz, and Academy of Ceramic in Gmunden, Austria. From September 2022 till September 2023 at the Helsinki International Artist Program (HIAP), granted by the Ukraine Solidarity Residencies Program in Helsinki, Finland. Currently she is working between in Kyiv and London.

Maria received a master's degree at the National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture (2007-2013) in Kyiv, Ukraine (MA in Architecture of Buildings and Structures), and she also has a second master's degree in Fine Arts at Konstfack University, Stockholm, Sweden. Currently she is invited to undertake a PhD research in drama, performance, gender studies and displacement in De Montfort University, Leicester, UK. Kulikovska used to work in China and Switzerland as an architect, but in the meanwhile returned to art as performances and sculpture, which were internationally acclaimed. In 2010 and 2012, the artist made one of her most important art projects titled "Army of Clones" and "Homo Bulla – Human as Soap Bubble". But in 2014, a group of pro-russian terrorists shot at soap sculptures of Kulikovska that were exhibited at Izolyatsia Art Centre. The art center was captured and looted by the self-proclaimed "dnr" militants and Maria Kulikovska was placed on the list of banned, "degenerative" artists in russia because of her non-binaryand political art.

During 2010-2024 Maria Kulikovska has organized and made a dozen political performances and actions and participated in the various exhibitions and events of reputable cultural institutions, venues and art collections in different countries such as: Jossingfjord Museum, Norway (2023); HIAP, Helsinki, Finland (2013); Accelerator Art Center, Stockholm, Sweden (2022-2023); Albertina Modern, Vienna, Austria (2022, 2023); Weserburg Museum of Modern Art, Germany (2023); Francisco Carolinum, Linz, Austria (2022); Neue National Gallery, Berlin, Germany (2022); Ludvig Museum, Budapest, Hungary (2019); Q Collection, Budapest/Hong Kong (2023); Saatchi Gallery, London, UK (2014, 2015); Mystetskiy Arsenal, Kyiv, Ukraine (2011, 2019); Crimean Platform, Kyiv, Ukraine (2021); National Odesa Fine Arts Museum, Ukraine (2019); Deutsche Art Collection Telekom, Bonn, Germany (2016); Krolikarnia National Museum of Sculpture, Warsaw, Poland (2016); National Fine Arts Museum in Kyiv (2012)... etc.
Also, she was a lecturer in sculpture at the Linz Art Academy (2022-2023) and gave public talks at: Liverpool John Moores University (2024); Helsinki Art Academy, Finland (2023); Fritt Ort Foundation, Norway (2022); Yale University, USA (2022); The School of Humanities and Performing Arts, De Montfort University, UK (2022); Konstfack Universityin Stockholm, Sweden (2022); Liverpool John Moors University, UK (2017); VCRC [VisualCulture Research Center], Ukraine (2016); Pinchuk Art Center, Ukraine (2013-2014); Bottega Gallery/Shcherbenko Art Centre, Ukraine (2010-2012).

She was nominated for several awards, fellowships, and art residences, such as the HIAP Art Residence and Ukraine Solidarity Residences Program, working grant (Finland, 2022-2023); Fritt Ort Foundation exhibition support grant (Norway, 2023); OÖ LandesKultur GmbH Art Residence Award (Austria, 2022); Vogue Poland, special publication (2022); Nord Art Public Choice Award (Germany, 2021); Swedish Royal Art Academy special grant for the MA diploma in Fine Arts (Sweden, 2020), Konstfack University grant for MA diploma project (Sweden, 2019); Vogue Ukraine special publication (Ukraine, 2018); Cosmopolitan International nominee for the impact in cultural changes of Ukraine (2018/2019); Passinger Fabrik Culture Center with Munich Culture Ministry art residency grant (Germany, 2018); Liverpool Biennial Art Residence award in collaboration with the British Institute (the U.K., 2017); UK/Rain nominee for sculpture award, Saatchi Gallery (U.K. 2015); Ruta Runa Art Residency Award in collaboration with Swedish Institute (Ukraine-Sweden 2013); the PinchukArtPrize nominee (Ukraine, 2013); AKKU and Uster Culture Ministry Art Residence Award (2012-2013); MUHi (Young Ukrainian Artists's competition by Shcherbenko Art Centre) nominee (Ukraine, 2010)... etc.

The artist founded the international art group and open feminist art platform "Flowers of Democracy" in 2015. Later, in 2017 together with Oleh Vinnichenko began the "School of Political Performance" – a cultural platform for independent art. The second half of 2016 year became the beginning of Maria Kulikovska's cooperation with Oleh Vinnichenko, 8 March 2017 is considered to be the official foundation date of the MK+OV Studio.
Oleh Vinnichenko is an architect-engineer, developer, and researcher of experimental innovative building materials and structures, and entrepreneur.

He was born in Zavodske, Poltava region of Ukraine in 1978. His previous studio implemented a number of experimental projects in contemporary design, sculpture, and architecture before he got to work with his future partner, wife, ally, and co-author Maria Kulikovska. Oleh was the developer of the reconstruction and put into operation the historical public memorial of "Magdeburg Law Stairs" in Kyiv, Ukraine. His studio collaborated with international developer companies as a researcher of new engineering structures and materials. Vinnichenko's studio also undertook restoration projects, developing social and private houses, and designed new materials and structures for the ecological systems of water collection in public spaces, which are internationally proclaimed.

Since 2017, Oleh has served as the co-author, architect, CEO, and production director for all of Maria's artworks. Their collaboration has resulted in the creation of GARAGE33 Gallery-Shelter, an international non-binary art space for contemporary art(ists) from«conflict?». Unfortunately, their plans to open the gallery in the summer of 2022 were disrupted by the war initiated by russia in Ukraine.

Currently, the artists are working and living between Kyiv and London. All new projects are made in the MKOV studio in Kyiv despite air alarms and electricity restrictions. They are primarily created there, and the studio continues to operate.
[Maria]  & [Oleh ] have been
working together in MKOV
Studio since 8 March 2017.
All presented exhibitions,
events and performances
since then are created
together in collaboration.


Solo Exhibitions & Performances

Selected group exhibitions


Fairs & Festivals


In private collections

Awards & residencies

Educational & lecture practice

Architectural practice